Book on Discipline, Reading Progress, My Next Reads & More

How to be discipline in life (4 practical lessons)

Hi friends,

I hope you are reading and learning.

Table of Contents

Weekly Reading Progress

This is a weekly reading check to track your progress in reading. This will help you be accountable towards your reading goals. So be honest, and tell us how many pages you have read.

Get motivation for the week

“My purpose: to lift your spirit and to motivate you."

-Mavis Staples

“Great things happen to those who don't stop believing, trying, learning,
and being grateful."

-Roy T. Bennett

"Happiness is not by chance but by choice."

-Jim Rohn

A must-read book on Self-Discipline

It takes a lot of time to learn how to be disciplined. Self-discipline is hard to practice.


Anything can be learned if you put your mind to it. So in today’s book notes, I have a very interesting book on Self-discipline.

Learn how to master your time, your goals, your work, and your life with the power of Self-discipline.

The Science of Self-Discipline By Peter Hollins

Practical Lessons from this book to implement in your life.

1) Set clear goals.
To implement this lesson, one should start by identifying specific and measurable goals that align with their values and aspirations. These goals should be broken down into smaller, manageable tasks and a timeline should be established to track progress.

Additionally, it is crucial to regularly review and adjust goals as needed to stay motivated and focused.

2) Create effective habits.
One should identify the habits contributing to their desired outcomes and start small by focusing on one habit at a time. It is important to establish a routine and consistently practice the desired habit, using cues and triggers to reinforce the behavior. Over time, the habit will become automatic and contribute to increased self-discipline.

3) The power of self-awareness. 
To implement this lesson, one should regularly reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. This can be done through journaling, meditation, or seeking feedback from others.

By becoming more self-aware, individuals can identify patterns, triggers, and obstacles that hinder their self-discipline, allowing them to make necessary adjustments and develop strategies for improvement.

4) Perseverance and resilience.
You should embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than reasons to give up. It is important to develop a growth mindset and view failures as learning experiences. By staying committed, maintaining a positive attitude, and seeking support when needed, individuals can cultivate resilience and continue to pursue their goals despite obstacles.

Today’s wisdom

“If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.”
- Rumi

Find your inner voice, strength, power, motivation, or peace that can help you in your darkest days.

No one can save you, only you have the power to save yourself. Anything that you believe can be “The Light” for you.

Ravi’s Recommendation Zone

Here are my favorite things that I consumed throughout the week.

I hope you guys like my recommendations.

Podcasts I have watched:

I recently watched the new episode of Tim Ferri’s show, I have been a long-time consumer of this podcast. I watched Noah Kagan sharing his life journey and how he made millions. Noah also recently launched his new book.

Books I have saved in my TBR!

1) Drive By Daniel H. Pink

2) Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim

3) The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

YouTube videos I have watched:

I mostly listen to EDM music while I am working on my next book.

You want to change your life. Watch this video of Dan Koe on a “Daily Routine” that changed his life. (Shared last week)

My New Book!

Recently I launched my new book.

This book includes timeless lessons on discipline, focus, and thinking.

Thank you for reading, I hope you like reading this newsletter. I will add more value to this newsletter, so you can gain more knowledge in a short time. Look for my next email.

Thank you for your support.

Mindset Reading,