Book On Self-Control & Discipline, Today’s Wisdom, My Suggestions

A must read book and watch my suggested video of Jim Rohn

Hi friends,

First of all, I want to thank you new subscribers for “Monday Mindset” I hope you are reading and learning.

Table of Contents

Get motivation for the week

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

- E.E. Cummings

"Your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are."


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

- Walt Disney

A must-read book on Self-Control & Discipline

One of the best qualities to have in ourselves is self-control and discipline.

Today’s must-read book is “Discipline Is Destiny” It’s about how to build self-discipline, written by one of my favorite authors Ryan Holiday.

Discipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday

Practical Lessons from this book to implement in your life.

1) Embrace Delayed Gratification.
Practice delaying immediate gratification in favor of long-term goals and benefits. Develop the ability to withstand short-term discomfort or sacrifice for the sake of greater rewards in the future.

2) Cultivate Consistent Habits.
Establish daily routines and habits that support your goals and values. Consistently practicing positive habits reinforces self-control and discipline over time, leading to sustainable success.

3) Learn from Setbacks and Failures.
View setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth and self-improvement rather than reasons to give up. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach as necessary, and use setbacks as motivation to persevere with even greater determination.

4) Focus on Process over Outcome.
Shift your focus from solely pursuing external outcomes to mastering the process and behaviors required for success. By concentrating on the controllable aspects of your journey, such as effort, discipline, and resilience, you can maintain motivation and momentum regardless of external circumstances.

Today’s wisdom

“The faker you are, the bigger your circle will be. The real you are, the smaller your circle will be.”

Humans are attracted to those people who pretend to be something else; they are not real, they just fake themselves so that they can attract a certain audience. Sooner or later their other faces will be revealed.

People who are “Real” to others are not surrounded by many people. They will have a small circle but their quality of thoughts and energy will be greater.

Ravi’s Recommendation Zone

Here are my favorite things that I consumed throughout the week.

I hope you guys like my recommendations.

Podcasts I have watched:

I recently watched this podcast about building a brand on Twitter.

If you are someone who wants to build an audience, you will like watching this podcast episode. I have a small audience on Twitter like 25K or something, I want to grow on Twitter also at least 100k. I liked this episode.

I have been consuming Dan Vassallo’s content for a while now—and it’s great!

Books I have saved in my TBR!

1) How to Become a People Magnet by Marc Reklau

2) Read People Like a Book by Patrick King

3) Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson

4) The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

5) Master of Change by Brad Stulberg

YouTube videos I have watched:

I recently watched the greatest Jim Rohn lecture on YouTube titled “Focus On Yourself Not Others” I haven’t listened to Jim Rohn before, and this is the first video I am watching. One word I have to say is “Amazing.”

Best video on motivation and focusing on yourself. Please go and watch.

Have you read any of Cal Newport’s books? If you have any, then you will like this video. Watch if you want to know the power of discipline and if you want to stop wasting time on social media.

My New Book!

Recently I launched my new book.

This book includes timeless lessons on discipline, focus, and thinking.

Thank you for reading, I hope you like reading this newsletter. I will add more value to this newsletter, so you can gain more knowledge in a short time. Look for my next email.

Thank you for your support.

Mindset Reading,