A Must Read On Human Behaviour, Book Recommendation's

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I hope you are reading and learning.

Table of Contents

Get motivation for the week

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

-Maya Angelou

“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”

-Ruth Bader Ginsberg

"Just say yes and you’ll figure it out afterwards."

-Tina Fey

A must-read book on Human Behaviour

Who wants to learn and understand human behavior? I think everyone wants to learn how someone thinks and reacts based on their behavior.

In today’s must-read book, I am sharing a perfect book on human behavior. After reading this book you will know and understand the basics of how and why of human behaviors.

Make sure to learn and understand how author Amanda shares her experience while studying and analyzing people’s behavior.

Manipulation: How to Master the Art of Analyzing People and Influence Human Behavior with Dark Psychology and Mind Control Techniques

Practical Lessons from this book to implement in your life.

  1. Awareness of Manipulative Tactics:

    • Recognize common manipulation techniques such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and love-bombing.

    • Understand the psychological principles behind these tactics, such as cognitive biases and emotional triggers.

  2. Establishing Personal Boundaries:

    • Learn to set clear boundaries in relationships to protect yourself from manipulation.

    • Practice assertiveness in communication to express your needs and stand firm against manipulation attempts.

  3. Developing Critical Thinking Skills:

    • Cultivate skepticism and critical thinking to question information and identify manipulation attempts.

    • Analyze sources of information and be wary of persuasive tactics aimed at influencing your beliefs or behaviors.

  4. Building Emotional Resilience:

    • Strengthen your emotional resilience to withstand manipulation attempts and maintain psychological well-being.

    • Develop self-awareness and emotional regulation skills to prevent manipulation from exploiting vulnerabilities.

Today’s wisdom

“You become unstoppable when you work on things, that people can’t take away from you. Things like your mindset, character, and personality.”
- Unknown

Let’s say you learn writing, you practice writing day and night. This is the only core skill you have gained over the past years.

Now this skill is yours. No one can take it away from you. You have learned and practiced this on your own, you developed a mindset of discipline and taking action.

Ravi’s Recommendation Zone

Here are my favorite things that I consumed throughout the week.

Podcasts I have watched:

Listen to Dr Joe Dispenza change your life.

Books I have saved in my TBR!

1) Games People Play by Eric Berne


3) Memory by William Atkinson

4) DOPAMINE NATION by Dr Anna Lembke

YouTube videos I have watched:

The Optimal Morning Routine - Andrew Huberman

This is something everyone should watch and learn about morning routines.

Watch this video about “Taoist Antidotes to Worry”

My New Book!

Recently I launched my new book.

This book includes timeless lessons on discipline, focus, and thinking.

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Mindset Reading,